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You can find Joy in the Midst of the Storm!!

Updated: Sep 24, 2022

Sometimes you are caught in unexpected trauma, sickness, death. And it can leave you in a dark place! But I encourage you to live through the power that God has placed in You. it's going to take steps that will get you to where you need to get. If you allow me to give you a few, then you may find yourself in a place of peace and back to finding joy in the midst of the storm.

  • recognize that you have been Impacted

  • Find your quiet place ( park, car, outside...) breathe in, let it out!

  • connect with the creator, the one that made you and knows ALL about you

  • pour your heart out to him! cry, yell, scream! he's concerned about every area of your life

  • find worship music, scriptures, affirmations that apply to what you are dealing with

  • one thing I learned is that people care and want to HELP! LET THEM!

  • we are not meant to live life alone! I got this from Coach Keisha.

  • lastly, it's going to take time, but my foundational scripture psalms it up for me: Psalm 34:18- God is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those of a contrite spirit.

I pray this blesses you, and just contact me for prayer if you need me to touch and agree with you.


"The Impacter"

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