As the Holidays come upon us many families will be experiencing loneliness, heartbreak, Anxiety, even Guilt! I want to first tell you that you are not ALONE! And I pray that you reach out and surround yourselves with family, friends, your church family, even a pet can bring some form of comfort to you.
The enemy will try to plant all sorts of ideas, feeling of blame, even thoughts of harm into someone's mind. But I want you to know that God is right there with you and you can call on him in your darkest moments!
Ephesians 3:20 says that God can do Exceedingly, Abundantly, Above ALL that we can imagine. So, have Faith in God. Faith is Not believing that God can, it is knowing that He will.
I pray that this blesses you, and bring you some Hope, Peace, and Comfort during this Season.
I know the feeling of loss, We lost our beloved family member tragically in April of this year, and I'm still crying some days, but many days God shows up with his song, his slang, even his aroma or a cool wind to confirm he will always be here with us in Spirit.
God Bless You,